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M. Mendel Piser

M. Mendel Piser Teacher Grant

"Many of the people in the community do not realize how important the public school is, but when you look around at the amount of effort an compare what public schools do for children; it is really a good bargain. The opportunities for children in the public schools are endless."


Mr. Mendel Piser was one of the first members of the Foundation's Board of Directors. He got involved after being placed on a committee to study the school corporation's finances, it was concluded that the schools could not run solely on state funding, private funding would be necessary. Piser and Dr. James Wilson worked together to start the South Bend Education Foundation. Piser served on the Executive Committee from 1995-2006. The "M. Mendel Piser Endowment" was created in his memory.



Since this endowment was established, 13 grants given in M. Mendel Piser's name totaling $14,842.25 benefitting 2,324 students.