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Maritza Robles

Maritza Robles Teacher Endowment


Maritza Robles was a hero to children and their families, mainly to bilingual children because she was the Director of Bilingual Education most of her life here in South Bend. She truly cared about every single child in her program and worked tirelessly to make sure they received the best education possible. She motivated teachers and her staff to do the best they can for each and every child because as she always said "these families are sending their best, so we have to do our best." She was a true advocate for children and their families, her door was always open and there was not a single problem she wasn't willing to listen to or help solve. She went beyond her job description to make sure children and their families had the resources to open the door to success. She truly believed this when she said "no matter what language, background, or skin color, all children have the ability to learn, we just have to give them the tools." After retirement she served on the school board, library board, and was the owner of new Discoveries preschool. The "Martiza Robles Endowment" was established to honor her legacy. 


Since this endowment was established, 3 grants given in Maritza Robles' name totaling $1,319.62 benefitting 67 students.