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Mark Tulchinsky

Mark Tulchinsky Memorial Teacher Grant


Tarkington Traditional School Principal Mark Tulchinsky devoted nearly 40 years of his life to the education of South Bend's youth. And even after all that time, he never forgot a name. It has been said that “he had a knack of looking past a person's gray hair and crow's feet and seeing the child he taught so many years ago.” In 1968 he began his teaching career in South Bend at Perley Elementary. He also served as a principal at Jefferson and Monroe Elementary schools and at Tarkington Traditional. It would not be possible to fully describe the impact that Mark had on the South Bend community. We remember him with the “Mark Tulchinsky Memorial Teacher Grant.”


Since this endowment was established, 14 grants have been given in Mark Tulchinsky's name totaling $19,185.04 benefitting 2,434 students.